Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rice Pudding - Arroz Doce

A few weeks ago, Greg and I got a serious craving for Portuguese/Brazilian rice pudding. We looked online and got an amazing recipe that is quite delicious :)

1 cup short grain white rice
5 cups water
1 slice lemon peel
1 tbsp butter or margarine
a pinch of salt
2 cups hot milk
2 cups of sugar (we're trying Splenda tonight as we are making this)
5 egg yolks
cinnamon to garnish

In a medium saucepan, bring water to a boil with the lemon peel, butter and pinch of salt.

Add the rice and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. When most of the water has evaporated, add the very hot milk. Simmer for 5 more minutes and add the sugar.

In a separate bowl, beat together the egg yolks and add a few spoonfuls of the rice mixture to temperate the egg yolks. Then add the now warm egg mixture to the saucepan and stir quickly until even.

Serve in a large dish or small shallow dishes and sprinkle with ground cinnamon to garnish (Greg likes to spell the first initial in people's names with the cinnamon - like a big "B" for Blythe with a heart)

ENJOY! It is sooooo yummy :)

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